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No more Black Boxes.
A specialist ESG solution for investors - golden exportable data, bespoke reporting solutions for regulatory compliance, and real-time controversy alerts.
Trusted by institutions such as
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What makes us different


With our unique 'glass-box' you can click through to the company-disclosed data we’ve captured to get a full assessment of why we’ve given a company a particular score.


With our weightings and customisation feature you can create a proprietary ESG or Impact score for each sub-sector based on what is important to you and your clients.


With our reporting feature, you don’t need to stress over spreadsheets. Simply drag & drop and our dashboard will do all the calculations for you, generating an Excel or CSV file for hassle-free client reporting.

Read more about ESG & Public Markets
Read more about ESG & Private Markets
ESG has never been more important for investors

ESG has become a price-sensitive issue. Companies that ignore negligent Environmental practices expose themselves to public and even legislative scrutiny. Poor Governance can weaken a bond price, and a breaking Societal controversy can torpedo a share price. You need to understand these new risks and opportunities.

© 2023 INTEGRUM ESG. All rights reserved. Integrum and Geosphere are trading names of Integrum ESG Limited.